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18 février 2020

Plasma theory challenges in magnetic fusion

Le 29 septembre 2017 De 10h30 à 12h00 Maurizio OTTAVIANI Institut des Recherches sur la Fusion Magnétique, CEA Cadarache This seminar gives an overview of various aspects of plasma theory in the context of magnetic fusion research. After a general introduction on magnetic...

18 février 2020

Small-scale cosmology with dwarf galaxies

Le 22 septembre 2017 De 10h30 à 12h00 Oliver Müller University of Basel Dwarf galaxies are tracers of the fine-structure of the large-scale structure of the universe, but their predicted distribution from simulations is in serious conflict with observations in the Local...

18 février 2020

From the core to the crust — Digging into neutron stars with observations

Le 15 septembre 2017 De 10h30 à 12h00 Sebastien GuillotPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Neutron stars are fantastic cosmic laboratories to study the most extreme physics. Their intense gravitational fields can provide tests of general relativity and other theories of...

18 février 2020

Probing cosmology and gravity with Compensated Cosmic regions

Le 8 septembre 2017 De 10h30 à 12h00 Paul de Fromont Observatoire de Paris Cosmic voids are a prominent feature of the cosmic web and fill the very large majority of our Universe. These last years, these structures have been deeply studied with the aim of constraining...

18 février 2020

The Strongest Magnets in the Universe

Le 7 juillet 2017 De 10h30 à 12h00 George Younes George Washington University Magnetars represent the most extreme manifestation of the neutron star population. Their seconds-long rotational periods and large spindown rates imply surface dipole magnetic fields up to 7.0E14 G,...

18 février 2020

The SkyMapper Southern Survey

Le 22 mai 2017 De 14h00 à 15h30 Christian Wolf ANU The SkyMapper Southern Survey is now approaching its first large data release, covering nearly all of the Southern hemisphere in six optical bands. This talk will cover all aspects of the project, from its history and...

18 février 2020

Radio Pulsars and the Magneto-Thermal Evolution of Neutron Stars

Le 19 mai 2017 De 10h30 à 12h00 Ulrich Geppert University of Zielona Góra, Poland For neutron stars to emit radio waves, certain conditions must be met on their polar cap. I will shortly introduce them and present the model of the partially screened gap in which the charges...

18 février 2020

Gas dynamics and star formation in dwarf galaxies

Le 12 mai 2017 De 10h30 à 12h00 Federico Lelli ESO Garching   The formation and evolution of low-mass galaxies remain poorly understood. It is still unclear what physical processes are driving the star formation in these low-density systems and what are the actual effects of...