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18 février 2020

The second Gaia data release

Le 13 avril 2018 De 10h30 à 12h00 Coryn Bailer-Jones MPIA   On 25 April the Gaia Consortium will make its second data release based on 22 months of mission data. The release will contain five-parameter astrometry and three-band photometry for over 1 billion stars down to...

18 février 2020

Astro lunch 10.04.2018

Le 10 avril 2018 De 12h45 à 13h45 Pierre Maggi (CEA, Irfu) "X-raying the hot interstellar medium of the...

18 février 2020

Le Jardin des sciences: nouveau planétarium et collections

Le 6 avril 2018 De 10h30 à 12h00 Milène Wendling, Delphine Issenmann & Sébastien Soubiran Jardrin des Sciences/Planetarium   Au cœur de l’Université, le Jardin des sciences contribue à rendre accessible aux citoyens le monde de la recherche dans toute sa...

18 février 2020

Astro lunch 03.04.2018

Le 3 avril 2018 De 12h45 à 13h45 Djordje Savic (ObAS) AGN Black hole mass estimates using polarization in broad emission lines Abstract: The innermost regions in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) were not being spatially resolved so far but spectropolarimetry can provide us...

18 février 2020

Testing general relativity with gravitational waves

Le 23 mars 2018 De 10h30 à 12h00 Olivier Minazzoli OCA/CS Monaco   I will introduce the physics of gravitational waves: from their theoretical representation, to the actual measurements of the signals associated to them in our detectors. Then, I will explain why there exist...

18 février 2020

Astro lunch 20.03.18

Le 20 mars 2018 De 12h45 à 13h45 Bernd Vollmer (ObAS)  Thick turbulent gas disks with magnetocentrifugal winds in active galactic...

18 février 2020

Astro lunch 13.03.2018

Le 13 mars 2018 De 12h45 à 13h45 Khyati Malhan (ObAS)  STREAMFINDER: Detection of a new stellar stream in the Pan-STARRS survey Abstract:STREAMFINDER is a new algorithm that we have built to detect stellar streams in an automated and systematic way in astrophysical datasets...

18 février 2020

Self-consistent models of our Galaxy in the Gaia era

Le 9 mars 2018 De 10h30 à 12h00 Eugene Vasiliev Cambridge   I present an approach for constructing self-consistent dynamical models of our Galaxy based on distribution functions (DF) in the action space. The parameters of the DF are adjusted to match observed rotation curve...

18 février 2020

Astro lunch 06.03.2018

Le 6 mars 2018 De 12h45 à 13h45 We have former student Guillaume Thomas speaking to us about his latest research highlights. In addition, we'll hear the latest news from last week's Gaia school in...

18 février 2020

Astro lunch 27.02.2018

Le 27 février 2018 De 12h45 à 13h45 Andrea Rojas (ObAS)   "Modeling optical and UV polarization of AGNs"   The structure and geometry of the innermost regions of AGN are still unknown. Several methods have been used to infer the size of the regions surrounding the...