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10 décembre 2021

Séminaire – Max Grönke (MPA)

The challenge of modeling turbulent, multiphase gas Abstract Astrophysical systems, such as the interstellar, intracluster medium, or the circumgalactic medium, are usually multiphase with a colder phase embedded in a volume filling hot environment. Although ubiquitous, multiphase gas is...

3 décembre 2021

Séminaire – Alexis Coleiro (APC)

Multimessenger astronomy with neutrinos : what have we learned so far ? Abstract The recent detection of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos and gravitational waves open a new era in multimessenger astronomy. Exploring high-energy sources with these new messengers and electromagnetic...

26 novembre 2021

Séminaire – Gregory Green (MPIA Heidelberg)

What can auto-differentiation do for you? Applications of machine-learning tools to stars, dynamics and dust Abstract Machine learning has found increasing use in astronomy over the last few years. In this talk, instead of discussing machine learning itself, I will discuss how a mathematical...

19 novembre 2021

Séminaire – Katarina Kraljic (LAM)

Galaxy evolution in the metric of the cosmic web Abstract The matter distribution in the Universe follows a spectacular web-like structure consisting of voids, walls, filaments and nodes, naturally defining the environment in which galaxies form and evolve across cosmic time. That certain...

12 novembre 2021

Séminaire – Riccardo Ferrazzoli (INAF/IAPS)

X-ray polarimetry with IXPE Abstract Polarimetry in the X-ray band would help us answer many open questions on the nature of emission processes and geometry in many celestial sources. However, the field of X-ray polarimetry has been dormant for decades, with only one object, the Crab Nebula,...

5 novembre 2021

Séminaire – Antoine Grandjean (Unistra)

A statistical study on young giant planets from radial velocity surveys  Abstract The study of the close to 5000 exoplanets and brown dwarfs companions known to date has evidenced the importance of early evolution stages of planet formation processes. Yet, a better understanding of...

22 octobre 2021

Séminaire – Eleonora Di Valentino (Sheffield)

Cosmological tensions: hints for a new concordance model?  Abstract The Cosmic Microwave Background temperature and polarization anisotropy measurements have provided strong confirmation of the LCDM model of structure formation. Even if this model can explain incredibly well the...

8 octobre 2021

Séminaire – Martin Rey (Oxford)

The diversity of galaxies in the low surface brightness Universe  Abstract Recent advances in imaging capabilities have transformed our understanding of galaxies at the low surface brightnesses frontier, unveiling a new population of ever smaller "ultra-faint" dwarf galaxies, and more and...

1 octobre 2021

Séminaire – Margot Brouwer (Kapteyn, Groningen)

Dark matter: 'real stuff' or gravity misunderstood? AbstractFor almost a century, astronomers have been in conflict about the mysterious nature of dark matter. Is the additional mass that we observe in the Universe ‘real’, or is it the result of deviations from the laws of gravity as we...

Du 1 octobre 2021 au 3 octobre 2021

Fête de la Science 2021

L'observatoire astronomique participe cette année à deux Villages des Sciences, les 2 et 3 octobre en Alsace. Village des sciences de Cronenbourg Le premier se tiendra sur le Campus de Cronenbourg, ouvert au public à l'occasion de son 60ème anniversaire. Venez nous retrouver samedi et...