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18 mars 2022

Séminaire – Chérifa Boukacem (ELICO)

Early Career Researchers the Harbingers of Change: attitudes, behaviours and strategies regarding the changing world of scholarly communication  Abstract This presentation is related to an international study informed by a 5-year-long qualitative longitudinal project, which sought to...

11 mars 2022

Séminaire – Anke Arentsen (ObAS)

Galactic Archaeology with the oldest stars in the Milky Way Abstract The oldest, most metal-poor stars we find in the Milky Way today were born in pristine environments in the early Universe. They contain unique clues about the First Stars and the early formation and evolution of our Galaxy....

4 mars 2022

Séminaire – Hakim Atek (IAP)

Probing the first galaxies and cosmic reionization with the James Webb Space Telescope Abstract The role of dwarf galaxies in the star formation history of the universe has long been overlooked, primarily because of observational challenges and the predominance of bright,...

Du 22 février 2022 au 4 mars 2022

Deuxième école ESCAPE sur l’Observatoire Virtuel

Le projet ESCAPE organise sa deuxième école internationale sur l'Observatoire Virtuel sous la forme d'une réunion hybride à l'Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, et en ligne dans Zoom. L'école aura lieu du 22 au 24 février 2022 et le 04 mars 2022. L'Observatoire Virtuel (OV) ouvre...

18 février 2022

Séminaire – Corentin Cadiou (UCL)

On the causal origin of properties of dark matter halos and galaxies Abstract Large-cosmological simulations, such as Illustris-TNG or Horizon-AGN, allows to draw relations between the formation history of galaxies and their host haloes (number of mergers, formation time) and their...

4 février 2022

Séminaire – Guillaume Mahler (Durham)

Strong lensing: Illuminating galaxies clusters and the structures behind them Abstract The strong gravitational lensing effect is a powerful technic to study both the deflector of light and the magnified sources behind it. In this talk, I will first review mass modelling approaches of galaxy...

28 janvier 2022

Séminaire – Tiago Costa (MPA Garching)

Quasar feedback and the origin of extended Lyα glow in z > 6 quasars AbstractThe detection of quasars out to z ≈ 7.5 shows that supermassive black holes with masses of ≈109M☉ have already assembled by the time the Universe was only ≈ 680 Myr old. These observationsstrenuously...

21 janvier 2022

Séminaire – Gauri Sharma (University of Western Cape)

Observational Evidence of Evolving Dark Matter Halos with cosmic time Abstract In the late 1970s, Vera Rubin showed that flat rotation curves are ubiquitous in local Star-forming Galaxies (SFGs) and concluded that “galaxies are surrounded by an invisible matter, the so-called dark matter...

7 janvier 2022

Séminaire – Alain Blanchard (IRAP)

Is there a tension on the amplitude of matter fluctuations in the LCDM model? Abstract The results of the eBOSS survey provide the best current measurements of the properties of the distribution of galaxies, constituting the summary of a long-term SDSS effort. Among those, the amplitude of...

17 décembre 2021

Séminaire – Esra Bulbul (MPE Garching)

eROSITA's First View on Hot Baryons of the Universe Abstract Successfully launched in July 2019, eROSITA, the German-built telescope array operating between 0.2-8 keV on board the Russian-German Spectrum-RG (SRG) mission, provides a unique imaging, spectroscopic, and timing capability. By...