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16 septembre 2022

Séminaire – Lidia Oskinova (Potsdam University)

Implications of gravitational wave detections for stellar astrophysics and feedback  Abstract Stars with masses much higher than our Sun end their short lives in a gravitational collapse, leaving behind neutron stars and black holes. The detections of gravitational waves (GW) brought...

9 septembre 2022

Séminaire – Corentin Voisin (Université de Strasbourg)

Philolaos of Croton: Cosmos and harmony  Abstract The astronomical system of Philolaos is a speculative construction that has deeply influenced modern thinkers. Yet, reconstructing Philolaos' scientific proposals involves manipulating fragmentary literary data that must be interpreted and...

17 juin 2022

Séminaire – Andrea Bracco (LPENS)

The LOFAR window on the multiphase and magnetized Galaxy: insights from the MUSICA project  Abstract Radio observations are a unique window to explore the mystery of cosmic magnetism, from the Galaxy to cosmological ages. By tracing synchrotron emission below 200 MHz with unprecedented...

10 juin 2022

Séminaire – Frédéric Marin (ObAS)

First light of modern X-ray polarimetry Abstract December 9, 2021 marks the date of the launch of the very first modern X-ray polarimeter, more than 40 years after the OSO-8 mission. IXPE (Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer) has just opened a new window in high energy astronomy, adding...

3 juin 2022

Séminaire – Adélie Gorce (McGill)

A global picture of the epoch of reionisation Abstract About a million years after the Big Bang, the Epoch of Reionisation sees the first light sources in the Universe slowly ionise the atoms of the surrounding IGM. Learning about this distant epoch has the potential of unveiling crucial...

20 mai 2022

Séminaire – Paolo Bianchini (ObAS)

The renaissance of globular clusters: old stellar systems for new dynamical questions Abstract The traditional picture of globular clusters (GCs) as old simple stellar systems is being radically revolutionized by groundbreaking observational programs such as Gaia and by extensive...

6 mai 2022

Séminaire – Chengdong Li (Oxford University)

Characterizing the stellar halo with distribution function based models Abstract A new class of models is used to build a self-consistent model of our Galaxy. The model is defined by the parameters that specify the distribution functions (DFs) f(J) of four stellar discs (three thin-disc age...

29 avril 2022

Séminaire – Friedrich Anders (University of Barcelona)

Exploiting the full Gaia data: From Bayesian isochrone fitting to transferring spectroscopic stellar parameters to 1 billion Gaia DR3 stars Abstract I will present a new stellar-parameter catalogue obtained from Bayesian isochrone fitting for 400 million Gaia EDR3 stars (cross-matched with...

Du 25 avril 2022 au 22 mai 2022

Parcours d’œuvres Supplementary Elements*

Supplementary Elements*, c'est un parcours d’œuvres à découvrir sur le campus de l'Esplanade, du lundi 25 avril au dimanche 22 mai 2022. Supplementary Elements* propose un nouvel éclairage quant aux liens unissant avancées scientifiques d’aujourd’hui et expressions artistiques...

25 mars 2022

Séminaire – Mike Petersen (IAP)

A new picture for the Large Magellanic Cloud-Milky Way interaction Abstract Over the past decade, our understanding of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and its relationship to the Milky Way (MW) has undergone a paradigm shift. The LMC now appears to be on the order of 20% of the MW mass. At...