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30 juin 2023

Séminaire – Alice Zocchi (Wien University)

Morphology and dynamics of globular clusters Abstract Globular clusters have long been considered to be spherically symmetric, isotropic, non-rotating stellar systems. However, this simple picture has been revolutionized by a series of recent discoveries about their kinematic and structural...

Du 20 juin 2023 au 23 juin 2023

Journées SF2A 2023

L'observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg se fait une joie d'accueillir l'édition 2023 des journées annuelles de la Société Française d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique (SF2A), du 20 au 23 juin sur le campus Esplanade. Plus de 500 personnes sont inscrites à ce temps fort de la recherche...

16 juin 2023

Séminaire – Minhajur Rahaman (The Open University of Israel)

Internal shocks as a candidate for Prompt Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB)s Abstract Internal shocks are one of the prominent dissipation mechanisms for prompt gamma-ray emission. In internal shocks, each collision between two shells forms a pair of forward and reverse shocks, which dissipate part of...

9 juin 2023

Séminaire – Luis Linan (KU Leuven)

Sun Unleashed: two approaches to predicting solar eruptions Abstract The spectacular phenomena known as solar eruptions can impact human infrastructure. As our society becomes more and more sensitive to solar activity due to the technological evolution, solar forecasting is a growing...

26 mai 2023

Séminaire – David Homan (AIP Postdam)

Extreme variability in active galactic nuclei: detection with eROSITA and results from multi-wavelength follow-up Abstract Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are known to be variable at all wavelengths and on many timescales. Large optical surveys have revealed a small number of AGN that show...

12 mai 2023

Séminaire – Aurelien Barrau (LPSC Grenoble)

Quantum gravity and observations Abstract I will review in a pedagogical way the status of loop quantum gravity and its consequence for cosmology and black hoes. I will conclude by some interesting openings for testing string...

28 avril 2023

Séminaire – Francis Fortin (APC)

A catalogue of X-ray binaries to understand their evolution Abstract A majority of massive stars spend a least part of their lives along with a companion star. Depending on their evolutionary stage and their orbital parameters, this can produce phenomenons that are unique to binary systems....

21 avril 2023

Séminaire – Eloisa Poggio (OCA Nice)

Mapping the structure and kinematics of the Galactic disc with Gaia data Abstract Galactic studies are currently undergoing a renaissance, thanks to the wealth of data from the Gaia satellite and ground-based surveys. In the Galactic disc, where most of the stars in the Galaxy are contained,...

14 avril 2023

Séminaire – Amel Durakovic (ObAS)

Galaxy Clusters in a New Relativistic Theory of Modified Newtonian Dynamics: Preliminary Results Abstract Galaxy clusters are generally accepted to be a problem for Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), since a dark component is still needed to fit galaxy cluster observations. But MOND is a...

31 mars 2023

Séminaire – Jin Koda (Stony Brook University)

Molecular Cloud Evolution as the first step for Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution Abstract Molecular gas and clouds host virtually all star formation, and therefore, their formation and evolution are the first step leading to star formation and galaxy evolution. On the basis of broad...