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1 décembre 2023

Séminaire – Florent Renaud (ObAS) 

Galactic stories told by their stars Abstract Being both a former and new member of the Observatory family, I will start this seminar with a brief introduction about myself, my career path, and how my hobbies put me too often in near-death situations. I will then switch to the connection...

24 novembre 2023

Séminaire – Kaya Mori (Columbia University, NY) 

The Zoo of Compact Objects and X-ray Binaries in the Center of the Milky Way Abstract The Galactic Center (GC) harbors the highest concentration and a rich variety of compact objects such as black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs in our galaxy. The compact objects and their binary...

17 novembre 2023

Séminaire – Gauri Sharma (ObAS)

Dark Matter Across Galactic Scales and Cosmic-time: current challenges and perspectives Abstract Observations from new generation spectrographs, on Very Large Telescopes, has allowed us to study the resolved velocity profiles, or rotation curves, of galaxies at high redshifts (z=0.6-3.0)....

10 novembre 2023

Séminaire – Eva Schinnerer (MPIA)

A cloud-scale view of the star formation process Abstract Star formation is the vital process for stellar mass growth during the evolution of galaxies. Our understanding of where stars form and how their formation is regulated across galactic disks is surprisingly incomplete. In order to...

20 octobre 2023

Séminaire – Sugata Kaviraj (Hertfordshire University)

Dwarf galaxies in deep-wide surveys: a new frontier in the study of galaxy evolution Abstract Dwarf (M∗ < 10^9.5 MSun) galaxies dominate the galaxy number density, making them critical to a complete understanding of galaxy evolution. However, typical dwarfs are not bright enough to...

6 octobre 2023

Séminaire – Jérôme Novak (LUTH)

Physics of neutron stars: numerical simulations and multi-messenger signals Abstract Neutron stars are born in core-collapse supernova events with the collapse of the iron core of massive main-sequence stars, leading to an explosion of the outer layers. This produces a hot proto-neutron...

29 septembre 2023

Séminaire – Clément Stahl (ObAS)

A small practical tutorial for cosmological N-body simulations Abstract Clément Stahl will give a small tutorial on generating cosmological initial conditions and running a simple N-body simulation of structure formation. This tutorial will first feature a theoretical overview of the field...

22 septembre 2023

Séminaire – Gergö Popping (ESO)

Dust and metals in galaxies at Cosmic Noon Abstract At the peak epoch of cosmic star formation activity, z ∼ 2, the obscured star-formation rate (SFR) density of our Universe traced by infrared light is ∼ 4 to 8 times higher than the unobscured SFR density traced by the UV luminosity....

15 septembre 2023

Séminaire – Jean-Baptiste Durrive (IRAP)

(M)HD turbulence synthesis for astrophysics Abstract An analytical model for 3D incompressible turbulence was recently introduced in the hydrodynamics community which, with only a few parameters, shares many properties of experimental and numerical turbulence. In our work, we extend this...

8 septembre 2023

Séminaire – Anna Genina (MPA Garching)

On the Edge: the relation between stellar and dark matter halos of Milky Way-mass galaxies Abstract I will discuss the predictions of the Cold Dark Mater model on the build-up of stellar and dark matter halos of Milky Way-mass galaxies. I will show that the stellar and dark matter halos...