Séminaire – Eric Andersson (AMNH, New York)
The galactic scale impact of individual...
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Resolving star formation processes at 10-100s pc resolution in distant galaxies with...
Regulation of star formation in disk galaxies: the role of large-scale turbulence The conversion of gas into stars is a slow and inefficient process, and the observed star formation rates are two orders of magnitude below what would be predicted by a gravity-only model. However, what regulates...
Probing the continuum dust properties of high-z dusty galaxies using NOEMA AbstractThe study of dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) is an ongoing frontier in astrophysics, continuously yielding new insights into these cosmic nurseries from the early Universe. Thanks to advancements in...
Testing the concordance model with large-scale structures AbstractWith the advancement of data quality and escalating tensions, the cosmological model faces mounting challenges. If these tensions persist and are not attributed to observational systematics, they could precipitate a paradigm...
Modeling of stellar streams from globular clusters in the Milky...
The many facets of the Aladin project Abstract Aladin is one of the key services in CDS, aimed at visualizing images of the sky together with additional information. Indeed, since the beginning, more than 30 years ago, the scope of the project has been to put astronomical images in context...
Probing dark energy with higher order weak lensing statistics Abstract Understanding the accelerated expansion of the Universe is one of the most important challenges of modern cosmology. Thanks to the development of large dedicated surveys (Euclid, Rubin, Roman), weak-lensing cosmic shear...
Numerical CLONES of the local Universe: kesako and why? Abstract As a field without ground truth, cosmology relies on cosmological simulations for data interpretation. This talk will present a peculiar type of cosmological simulations constrained to reproduce our local Universe within about...