Philolaos of Croton: Cosmos and harmony
The astronomical system of Philolaos is a speculative construction that has deeply influenced modern thinkers. Yet, reconstructing Philolaos’ scientific proposals involves manipulating fragmentary literary data that must be interpreted and ordered. It is not possible to grasp Philolaos’ astronomical work without placing it in its historical context. The scholar, born in southern Italy, spent most of his life in exile or on the move. He developed an original way of thinking in which the universe could be described in terms of spheres, circular planetary trajectories, with fire at the centre. This system makes it possible to explain certain phenomena in accordance with the knowledge of the 5th century BC. However, Philolaos’ aim is not only to account for celestial phenomena, but more generally to find the mechanisms that explain the order and harmony of the world. The Philolaic system thus allows for unexpected developments in exobiology, music and, finally, politics.