The Gaia promise of a comprehensive chemo-dynamical view of our Galaxy
ESA published Gaia eDR3 on December 3, and Gaia DR3 is about a year away. Gaia DR3 promises us data to construct the most detailed view of the chemo-dynamics of field star populations in our Galaxy. I will present the challenges of estimating stellar parameters in the Gaia era, particularly when exploiting the power of multi-wavelength and multi-survey observations. I will show some results and introduce an all-sky uniformly derived catalog of stellar astrophysical parameters, including dust extinction (A0) average grain size (R0) along the line of sight, for hundreds of millions of stars. This catalog remains a prototype of Gaia DR3. It implements the technical solutions we adopted in our data processing while exploiting Gaia integrated photometry with 2MASS and WISE photometry. Lastly, my presentation will also glimpse at the Gaia BP/RP spectra and their analysis for GDR3, and some preliminary results. Finally, I will highlight the following steps and challenges beyond DR3. Gaia DR3 represents a critical first step to anchor all current and future spectroscopic surveys to a common ground and provide us with the most comprehensive view of our Galaxy.