18 février 2020The new Macquarie PN database: a multi-wavelength window into the soul of late-stage stellar evolution

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Le 22 novembre 2013
De 10h30 à 11h30

Quentin Parker

Macquarie University – Observatoire de Strasbourg

A description of the importance of Planetary Nebulae (PN) in late stage stellar evolution will be presented with particular emphasis on PN research at Macquarie University where we have also created a new, comprehensive, multi-wavelength database of all currently known PN, including the latest MASH and IPHAS discoveries. This powerful database is currently being installed at the CDS in Strasbourg for community use. The database provides, where available, access to over 40 types of multi-wavelength images ranging from GALEX in the UV through broad and narrow band optical images to the NIR and MIR and then out to the radio. The best data from the latest wide-field ground and space-based surveys is employed. Spectra, newly updated (and corrected) positions and other pertinent information (including our accurate new line fluxes) for all known Galactic PNe are provided. The database is in a form that can be easily interrogated and selected against using the extensive parameter list according to multiple, user specified values and standard SQL. Fresh insights and new diagnostic capability is encapsulated within this convenient, one-stop-shop for PNe visualisation and study.