The nature of the massive Be star with strong and hard X-ray emission, gamma
Cassiopae, remains enigmatic. In the last decades it became clear, that gamma
Cas is a prototype for the whole new class of stars – there may be
thousands of Cas analogues lurking in the Galaxy! »The gamma-Cas phenomenon
in Be stars » workshop to be held in Strasbourg, 3-5 September 2018 will
assemble the experts in magnetism, binary evolution, X-ray & UV observations,
massive star astrophysics, and stellar disks. The goal of the workshop is to
obtain a comprehensive overview of gamma Cas analogues, review existing
theoretical scenarios on the origin and physics of these objects, and pave
new ways to finally resolve the gamma Cas puzzle. We invite everybody to join
this 3 day intensive workshop and try your luck in cracking one of the
outstanding problems in modern stellar astrophysics.