18 février 2020Galaxy luminosity modulations as a probe of large-scale flows and cosmic growth

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Le 30 juin 2017
De 10h30 à 12h00

Martin FEIX



Spatial modulations in the observed galaxy luminosity distribution (derived from redshifts as distance proxies) trace the radial peculiar velocity field. Using spectroscopic redshift surveys, this signal can be statistically extracted to obtain independent bounds on large-scale flows and cosmic growth, which complements traditional methods (such as clustering analysis) for constraining cosmology. Considering SDSS galaxies at z~0.1, I will present recent measurements of bulk flows and the cosmic growth rate based on this approach. Finally, I will discuss ongoing developments that aim at extending the general methodology for other purposes such as applications to photometric redshift catalogs or luminosity-density correlations which offer unique possibilities to probe cosmological physics.