18 février 2020Flow in the vicinity of compact object

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Le 11 mars 2016
De 10h30 à 12h00

Zakaria Meliani

Observatoire de Paris-Meudon

Accretion disks play an important role in the evolution of their relativistic inner compact objects. The emergence of a new generation of interferometers will allow resolving these accretion disks and providing more information about the properties of the central gravitating object. Due to this instrumental leap forward it is crucial to investigate the accretion disk physics near various types of inner compact objects now to deduce later constraints on the central objects from observations.  Here, we will present the differences between accretion structures surrounding compact objects such as black holes and Boson stars. We show that the accretion tori around compact object have different characteristics depending on inner object properties. With future instruments it could be possible to use these differences to constrain the nature of compact objects.