18 février 2020Dark matter detection and cosmological simulations

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Le 15 avril 2016
De 10h30 à 12h00
Salle de Cours Coupole

Emmanuel NEZRI

LAM – Marseille

If we have strong evidences of the dark matter (DM) gravitationnal interactions from galactic to cosmological scales, discovering the DM nature remains one of the major issues of HEP and astrophysics. Among the several dark matter particle candidates provided by the numerous theories beyond the standard model (BSM), the Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are very appealing with regards to detection. Both direct detection (measurement of the collision between DM particle and a nucleus) and indirect detection (measurement of the particle fluxes originating DM annihilation) rate calculations rely on the BSM framework but also on determining astrophysics assumptions on the dark matter distribution features in the halos given by cosmological simulations. I will give an overview of the interplay beetween cosmological simulations and dark matter detection estimations. If baryon physics is a very hot topic of galaxy formation modeling, it is actually also a crucial issue for the dark matter detection estimations.