18 février 2020Alsatian Workshop on X-ray polarimetry

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Du 13 novembre 2017 au 15 novembre 2017
Strasbourg, France

The conference will be held from 13-15th November 2017 at Strasbourg, France. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss the progress made in X-ray polarimetry, to identify what is missing and to decide what must be undertaken before the launch of IXPE, the first spatial mission carrying an X-ray polarimeter since the 70’s. We invite young researchers (PhD students and post-docs) and expert speakers to this workshop aiming to exchange results and methods while facilitating new collaborations that will be perfectly mature on the arrival of the first X-ray polarimetry data.


Deadline for abstract submission and registration: August the 1st

The maximum number of participants is 55.


Since the conference is designed to promote discussion between young researchers in the field of X-ray polarimetry, conference fees were reduced to a minimum of 50 Euros. They cover a conference kit, coffee breaks and a ticket to the conference dinner. Payment will be possible securely online, after selecting speakers for the conference.


Review talks will be given by:

– Martin C. Weisskopf (Introductory talk)

– Sergio Fabiani (Instrumentation and future missions)

– Svetlana Berdyugina (Solar and stellar X-ray polarimetry)

– Jeremy Heyl (Strongly magnetized sources)

– Jeremy Schnittman (Accretion-powered objects)

– Elena Amato (Jets and particle acceleration)


The SOC consists of:

– Henric Krawczynski

– Frédéric Marin (Chair)

– Fabio Muleri

– Roberto Turolla

– Jacco Vink

– Valentina Zharkova



– Heddy Arab

– Jérôme Leca

– Khyati Malhan

– Jenny Sorce


Do not hesitate to circulate this message to all your colleagues who might be interested in X-ray polarimetry.


More details are available at: http://awoxpol.u-strasbg.fr/



Frédéric Marin (Chair of the workshop)