02 mai 2014Vacant post-doctoral position in X-ray studies of stellar-mass black holes

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May 2 2014

 Application are invited for a post-doctoral position working with Dr. Delphine Porquet  on « Black-hole spin measurements – galactic black holes » at Strasbourg Observatory  (France), inside the collaborative project « Probing Strong Gravity by Black Holes across the Range of Masses » (http://stronggravity.eu). This project (PI: Dr. Michal Dovciak) is funded by the European Commission (FP7-SPACE) and includes 7 institutes from Czech Republic, France, Italy, UK, Poland, Spain and Germany.

The research plan consists in the systematic analysis of X-ray data of stellar-mass black holes using both current publicly available models and numerical codes developed inside this project. This work will be carried out in close collaboration and interaction with code developers.

The 2-year position is available as of September 2014, but later starting dates could be considered. The net salary scale will be around 1800-2300 Euros per month depending on the previous experience of the candidate. A social security package is included in the contract.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in X-ray Astronomy or a related field. Some experience in the analysis, interpretation and/or modelling of X-ray data of stellar-mass black holes is preferred.

Interested candidates should send a CV, a publication list, a statement of research interests and two letters of recommendation to Dr. Delphine Porquet (delphine.porquet@astro.unistra.fr).

Deadline: May 31, 2014