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7 October 2021

M31 and Milky Way encounter

Andromeda galaxy and Milky Way encounter becomes clearer thanks to latest Gaia data Will we see the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way merge in a few billion years? This is the question that the results of this study involving researchers from the Besançon and Strasbourg observatories will...

26 August 2021

Doctoral Thesis Prize for Anke Arentsen

For her spectacular results on the chemical composition and dynamics of stars in the inner regions of our Milky Way, the Astronomische Gesellschaft (German Astronomical Society) awards the Doctoral Thesis Prize to Anke Arentsen. She received her PhD from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics...

6 April 2021

Milky Way globular clusters revealed by artificial intelligence

For the first time, two young researchers from the Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory have created an artificial intelligence to estimate the properties of globular clusters observed in galaxies, including the Milky Way. Globular clusters are collections of tens of thousands to several million...

19 March 2021

Le premier milliard d’années de l’Univers en images

Pierre Ocvirk, de l’Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, vient de terminer les calculs de Cosmic Dawn III, une gigantesque simulation du premier milliard d’années de l’Univers, période qui comprend la naissance des toutes premières étoiles, marquant ainsi la fin de la période des...

15 December 2020

Star Formation in Milky Way’s Central Bulge

Like most spiral galaxies, the Milky Way has a roughly spherical collection of stars at its center called the bulge. How the bulge formed has been a long-standing mystery, with many studies suggesting that it built up over time through multiple bursts of star formation. View of the central...

3 December 2020

CDS publishes the ESA Gaia mission Early Data Release 3

All-sky view of the flux of the billion Gaia sources made by CDS. Gaia is an ambitious ESA mission to chart a three-dimensional map of our Galaxy with unprecedented precision. Gaia EDR3 is the result of 34 months of observations (July 2014 – May 2017), and contains the positions of 1.8...

28 July 2020

CDS-ESCAPE Science Support Researcher M/F

CDS is hiring a researcher (M/F) on a 24 months contract for the scientific support to the operation of the ESCAPE project. Applications shall be submitted before September 15 on the CNRS...

21 July 2020

Magnetic Field of a Spiral Galaxy

If you imagined a galaxy like the milky way, would you think of galaxy-wide magnetic fields? Probably not. The presented image of the galaxy NGC 4217 tells us that we should. VLA radio data from Yelena Stein and Ralf-Juergen Dettmar (Ruhr University Bochum). The observations are part of the...

8 July 2020

Comète 2020 F3 NEOWISE

Comète 2020 F3 NEOWISE observée le 7 juillet 2020 à l'aube en Alsace (crédits photo Alexis Lorang) juil. 8 2020 Une magnifique comète (nommée 2020 F3 NEOWISE) est actuellement visible dans le ciel alsacien, en regardant vers l'horizon nord-est avant le lever du Soleil. A partir de 3h30...

1 July 2020

Motion du conseil interne de l’ObAS concernant la LPPR

juil. 1 2020 Les élu(e)s du conseil de laboratoire de l'Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg (ObAS) expriment leur plus vive inquiétude quant à la poursuite du projet de loi de programmation pluri-annuelle de la recherche (LPPR), tel qu’engagé ces derniers mois. En effet, le...