The ESCAPE project is organising its second international Virtual Observatory school as a hybrid meeting at the Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, France and online in Zoom.
The School will take place from February 22-24 2022 and on March 04 2022.
The Virtual Observatory (VO) is opening up new ways of exploiting the huge amount of data provided by the ever-growing number of ground-based and space facilities, as well as by computer simulations. The goal of the school is twofold:
- Expose European astronomers and representatives of the ESFRI projects involved in ESCAPE to the variety of VO tools and services available today so that they can use them efficiently for their own research.
- Gather requirements and feedback from participants.
To achieve these goals, VO experts will lecture and tutor the participants on the usage of VO tools and services. Real life examples of scientific applications will be given. Three days will be dedicated to hands-on exercises, which will allow participants to become fully familiar with the VO capabilities on their own laptops. On 04 March we will have an on-line session with presentation of participants use cases and how they make use of the VO-skills learned at the school.
In order to ensure the right level of interaction, participation will be restricted to a limited number of participants (25 at site and 25 remotely). Preference will be given to PhD students and post-docs.
Depending on the development of the Covid19 situation, the school might be happening as a full on-line event.
For further information and registration please visit https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/25225/
Important dates:
- Deadline for registration application and submission of participants use cases: 17 December 2021
- Notification of acceptance to the participants: early January 2022
- School dates: February 22-24 2022 and on March 04 2022
For any questions please contact vo-school@astro.unistra.fr