Organisation chart of the Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory
Credits: © ObAS, CNRS - Université de Strasbourg
Team leader :
Pierre-Alain DUCMembers
- Mark ALLEN, Staff researcher, Management, Strasbourg astronomical Data Centermark.allen@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 87, room E22
- Laurence BOIRIN, Staff researcher, GALHECOS, Managementlaurence.boirin@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 09, room C8
- Pierre-Alain DUC, Staff researcher, GALHECOS, Managementpierre-alain.duc@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 45, room C2
- Sandrine LANGENBACHER, Administrative staff, Administration and logistics, Managementsandrine.langenbacher@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 22, room C10
- Nicolas MARTIN, Staff researcher, GALHECOS, Managementnicolas.martin@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 67, room E6
Administration and logistics
Team leader :
Sandrine LANGENBACHERMembers
- Mathieu ARLEN, Technical staff, Administration and logisticsmathieu.arlen@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 69, room C10b
- William COLLEY, Technical staff, Administration and logisticswilliam.colley@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 01, room C03
- Olivier HAUSS, Technical staff, Administration and logisticsolivier.hauss@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 49, room S4
- Sandrine LANGENBACHER, Administrative staff, Administration and logistics, Managementsandrine.langenbacher@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 22, room C10
- Véronique TRIMBOUR, Administrative staff, Administration and logisticsveronique.trimbour@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 06, room C10
- Philippe WUNDERLICH, Technical staff, Administration and logisticsphilippe.wunderlich@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 83, room C03
IT Team
Team leader :
Christophe SAILLARDMembers
- Thomas KELLER, Design engineer, IT Teamthomas.keller@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 23 92, room S2
- Christophe SAILLARD, Research engineer, IT Teamchristophe.saillard@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr, 03 68 85 24 94, room S2
--- Image sources :
- organigram_Obs09sept2024: © ObAS, CNRS - Université de Strasbourg