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4 June 2021

Séminaire – Axel Widmark (Dark Cosmology Centre, Copenhagen)

Weighing the Galactic disk using phase-space spirals AbstractWe have developed a new method for inferring the gravitational potential of the Galactic disk, using the time-varying structure of a phase-space spiral in the plane of vertical position and vertical velocity. Our method of...

28 May 2021

Séminaire – Laura Lopez-Honorez (ULB)

Non-Cold Dark Matter: Particle Physics versus Cosmology AbstractDark matter should represent 80% of the matter content of the Universe, yet its fundamental nature is still unknown. Even though the LambdaCDM model, with CDM for Cold dark matter, provides a very good fit to cosmological data,...

21 May 2021

Séminaire – Neige Frankel (MPIA)

Fitting the Secular Evolution of the Milky Way Disk AbstractDisk galaxies present a great regularity in  their stellar bodies butreveal complex structures in their young stars and gas. The Milky Way isan ideal model organism to study the connection between the highlystructured birth conditions...

7 May 2021

Séminaire – Kristiina Verro (Kapteyn)

XSL: a new generation empirical stellar library and stellar population models AbstractWith the next generation wide-field spectroscopic facilities, such asthe upcoming WEAVE for the William Herschel Telescope, and recentadvances in the infrared instruments on large telescopes, such asX-shooter...

12 February 2021

Séminaire – François Mernier (ESA/ESTEC)

From stars to large-scale structures: chemical enrichment in the intracluster medium AbstractDespite being the building blocks of rocky planets and even life, metals mostly reside outside galaxies - i.e. within a hot, ionized, X-ray emitting plasma pervading galaxy clusters and groups, and...

5 February 2021

Séminaire – Nicolas Martinet (LAM)

Probing dark energy with cosmic shear AbstractUnderstanding the accelerated expansion of the Universe is one of the most important challenges of modern cosmology. Thanks to the development of large dedicated surveys (Euclid, Rubin/LSST, Roman/WFIRST), weak-lensing cosmic shear offers the...

22 January 2021

Séminaire – Benoît Commerçon (CRAL)

Protostellar disk formation in low- and high-mass star formation AbstractThe new generation of interferometers provide unprecedented constraints on the protostellar disk formation process. Observations indicate that most protostellar disks have a small extent at the Class 0 stage and that disks...

From 20 August 2020 to 23 August 2020

The new phase space complexity of old stellar systems

Le 14 février 2020 De 10h30 à 12h00 Anna Lisa Varri University of Edinburgh Our traditional interpretative picture of the internal dynamics of ancient star clusters has been recently revolutionized by a series of discoveries about their chemical, structural, and kinematic properties....

18 February 2020

Deuterated Species as Tracers of Star Formation

Le 7 février 2020 De 10h30 à 12h00 Laurent Pagani Observatoire de Paris In the ‘70s, while several groups were trying to measure various isotopic ratios in dark clouds (13C/12C, 18O/17O/16O,...), it was quickly realized that the D/H ratio of several molecules was...