01 April 2022CDS 50th anniversary

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On Friday 01 April CDS launched into its 50th anniversary year with an event held at the Palais Universitaire : “Open Science and the 50th anniversary of CDS” / “Science Ouverte et le 50ème anniversaire du CDS“.

We were honoured by the participation of the French Ministry for Higher Education Research and Innovation (MESRI), representatives from our authorities CNRS-INSU and the Strasbourg University as well as the CNRS Direction Open Data and Research (DDOR), and the Data Terra Research Infrastructure.

Presentations were made on “The mission and history of the CDS”, “The CDS today and challenges for the future”, as well as a demonstration of CDS services and a presentation of the different CDS staff roles. The event also highlighted open science activities, in particular about Open Data at CNRS, and the European Open Science Cloud, as well as open science activities in the neighbouring discipline of earth science by Data Terra.

Celebrating the CDS 50th anniversary on April 1st 2022. Image credits: C. Bot

The event page including the presentation slides is available here : https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/26208/