Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg - UMR 7550
11 rue de l'Université
67000 Strasbourg
Postdoctoral Researcher
divya.rawat@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-astro.unistra.fr
room C7
My Orchid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9280-2785
List of Publications:
Evolution of QPOs in GX 339–4 and EXO 1846–031 with Insight-HXMT and NICER
Unveiling the X-ray polarimetric properties of LMC X-3 with IXPE, NICER, and Swift/XRT
Spectropolarimetric study of 4U 1630-47 in steep power-law state with IXPE and NICER
Testing the dynamic origin of Quasi-periodic Oscillations in MAXI J1535-571 and H 1743-322
Flux-resolved Spectropolarimetric Evolution of the X-Ray Pulsar Hercules X-1 Using IXPE
A NICER look at the jet-like corona of MAXI J1535-571 through type-B quasi-periodic oscillations
Time-resolved spectroscopy on the heartbeat state of GRS 1915+105 using AstroSat
Testing Evolution of LFQPOs with Mass Accretion Rate in GRS 1915+105 with Insight-HXMT