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13 June 2022

1,8 billion stars for the 50th anniversary of CDS

On Monday 13 June 2022, the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (CDS) publishes the Data Release 3 of the ESA Gaia mission in the CDS services. This major data release coincides with the 50th anniversary year of the operations of the CDS (1972-2022), making it an ideal time to celebrate the...

9 June 2022

CNRS Collective cristal medal

The cristal collectif award recognises teams of men and women, research support staff, who have carried out projects whose technical mastery, collective dimension, applications, innovation and influence are particularly remarkable. This distinction is awarded in two categories: "direct support...

1 April 2022

CDS 50th anniversary

On Friday 01 April CDS launched into its 50th anniversary year with an event held at the Palais Universitaire : "Open Science and the 50th anniversary of CDS" / "Science Ouverte et le 50ème anniversaire du CDS". We were honoured by the participation of the French Ministry for Higher Education...

3 March 2022

2021 AfNWA award

The African Network of Women in Astronomy just announced the recipients of its first awards for the year 2021. Marie Korsaga, the first Burkinabe woman to obtain a PhD in astronomy, and now post-doc at ObAS, wins the Early Career Award. Congratulations ! For more informations :...

2 March 2022

Powerful warm winds seen blowing from a neutron star

Using the most powerful telescopes on Earth and in space, a team of astronomers has found for the first-time blasts of hot, warm and cold winds from a neutron star whilst it consumes matter from a nearby star. The discovery provides new insight into the behaviors of some of the most extreme...

17 February 2022

The mystery of the formation of the Milky Way

An international team of astrophysicists, including researchers from the Observatoire astronomiquede Strasbourg, have detected six “merging galaxies” of our Milky Way – those small “foreign” galaxiesthat sequentially merged into the Milky Way during its long history of 12 billion years...

5 January 2022

The stellar structure with the lowest metallicity of the Universe

An international team of researchers including astrophysicists from the Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, and the Observatoire de Paris discovered the remnants of a star cluster whose stars share a uniquely low fraction of heavy elements. As successive...

30 November 2021

Closest pair of supermassive black holes discovered

Using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT), a team of astronomers led by Karina Voggel (Strasbourg astronomical Observatory, CNES-CNRS) have revealed the closest pair of supermassive black holes to Earth ever observed. The two objects also have a much smaller...

29 October 2021

New SPECFIND V3.0 catalogue

In the last decades, radio astronomers have published a number of catalogues, listing astronomical radio sources detected in various frequency bands in different regions of the sky. The SPECFIND catalogue, whose first version was released in 2005 (Vollmer et al., 2005), is an attempt at combining...

11 October 2021

Lieux de sciences Ep#1

In this first episode of the webseries "Lieux de sciences", Grand Labo takes us on a journey through astronomical observatories, including the one in Strasbourg. See it on YouTube...