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18 February 2020

Galactic Palaeontology

Le 9 octobre 2015 De 10h30 à 12h00 Eline TOLSTOY Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen  I will talk about how resolved stellar populations in the nearby Local Group dwarf galaxies have been used to study the detailed chemical, kinematic and star formation history of...

18 February 2020

The evolution of massive galaxies in different environments

Le 11 septembre 2015 De 10h30 à 12h00 Simona MEI Observatoire de Paris  We will present recent results on the evolution of very massive galaxies in the field and in dense environments (e.g. galaxy clusters), using recent data from the HST/CANDELS and COSMOS surveys. We will...

18 February 2020

An overview on higher-spin gravity

Le 26 juin 2015 De 10h30 à 12h00 Nicolas BOULANGER Université de Mons  We intend to give a brief introduction to the key issues in higher-spin gravity, a theoretical model that generalises gravity to include an infinite tower of higher-spin gauge fields. The main reference...

18 February 2020

The Sterile Multiverse

Le 25 juin 2015 De 12h30 à 13h30 Geraint LEWIS University of Sydney  Is the universe fine-tuned for life? And if it is, what does this mean? I’ll summarize some of the key parts of a book that I am completing on this topic, showing that it with a little change to the laws...

18 February 2020

Measuring the cosmic growth rate

Le 12 juin 2015 De 10h30 à 12h00 Martin FEIX Technion & IAP  Spatial variations in the distribution of galaxy luminosities, estimated from redshifts as distance proxies, are correlated with the peculiar velocity field. Comparing these variations with the peculiar...