Accretion of Self-interacting Scalar Field Dark Matter Onto Reissner Nordström Black Holes
Self-interacting scalar field dark matter is a suitable extension of the free case known as Fuzzy dark matter. The interactive case can reproduce the goodness of the free case at both astrophysical and cosmological scales and, more importantly, can avoid the stringent constraint from Lyman-alpha forest data. On the other hand, the distribution of dark matter around the galactic center region has been the subject of study in the last decade because of its possible imprint on black holes observations. Recently, some numerical approaches and analytical treatments have both investigated the accretion of free scalar dark matter onto Schwarzschild black holes. I present in this seminar the case of accretion of self-interacting scalar field dark matter onto Reissner Nordström black holes under the assumption of spherically symmetric flows. Numerical examples of how the black hole charge affects the accretion process will be shown. As a main result to de discussed, we find that the black hole charge reduces the energy flux up to percent level and the critical radius is, accordingly, shifted towards smaller values in comparison to the uncharged case. These results constitute a first attempt to describe the distribution of self-interacting scalar field dark matter in a more general class of black holes, which are of importance in observational perspectives of gravitational probes of dark matter.