Michaela Hirschmann
I give a review over the success and limitations of models for stellar and AGN feedback adopted in modern cosmological simulations, highlighting the need for feedback to predict realistic galaxy and black hole (BH) populations over cosmic time. Feedback from stars and AGN has been, for example, repeatedly shown to strongly regulate star formation and BH accretion in low-mass and massive galaxies, respectively, and to be necessary to capture the observed anti-hierarchical trend in galaxy/BH growth. Employing advanced, high-resolution cosmological zoom-in simulations indicates a more complex interplay between different feedback processes and the evolution of galaxies, and their baryon cycles, than traditionally anticipated. Specifically, I present new results, how feedback processes can affect chemical enrichment and the re-distribution of gas and metals in the interstellar and circum-galactic medium of galaxies, and to what extent feedback mechanisms are imprinted in corresponding direct spectral observables, such as nebular emission and absorption lines. Comparisons to modern observational data (mass-metallicity relation, metallicity gradients, nebular emission/absorption lines) put strong constraints on outflow mechanisms and thus, can help to differentiate between still uncertain, and partly degenerate, models for stellar and AGN feedback. Perspectives for future improvements will be given.