18 February 2020New Science Capabilities in Aladin

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Le 24 janvier 2014
De 10h30 à 12h00


Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg

Recent developments in Aladin have opened up new ways of viewing and manipulating image surveys and large catalogues. A hierarchical multi-resolution representation of the data facilitates smooth visualisation from the level of the whole survey down to individual pixels. Hierarchical coverage maps allow for simple and fast computation of intersections of multiple surveys and catalogues enabling complex queries for selecting objects (e.g. Veron catalog quasars that have been observed with HST and XMM) enabling a new level of interoperability between image surveys and catalogues. Aladin includes tools for generating your own hierarchical maps, and also allows integrated linking to the original un-resampled pixels. We present an overview of the capabilities of the new Aladin version 8 followed by technical demonstrations.