18 February 2020Evolution of Relativistic Plasmoid-Chain in Poynting Energy Dominated Plasma

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Le 17 janvier 2014

Makoto Takamoto

Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg

In this presentation, I will talk about my recent results of the evolution of a current sheet in a Poynting dominated plasma. We model the relativistic current sheet with cold background plasma using the relativistic resistive magnetohydrodynamic approximation, and solve its temporal evolution numerically. 2-dimensional numerical results show that the initially induced plasmoid triggers a secondary tearing instability. We find the plasmoid-chain greatly enhances the reconnection rate, which becomes independent of the Lundquist number, when this exceeds a critical value. Since magnetic reconnection is expected to play an important role in various high energy astrophysical phenomena, our results can be used for explaining the physical mechanism of them. I also give some comments on their 3-dimensional extension.